Last night I was having dinner with two very good friends. We were talking about plastic bottles topic, and we were thinking about an alternative for them.
I was thinking about glass. Why? Because when I was a kid, I remember that my grandmother was giving me empty bottles to go to the shop, leave them there, and get new ones... That means that these glasses were reused (not recycled).
I got up today and I have been searching some information about how the glass is recycle. Nowadays, usually glasses are broken after their use. That means that we need a lot of energy to reuse them again. Anyway, it is still an interesting material because it can be recycled unlimited times and it is not than pollutant as plastic is.
In the following link you can read how the glass is recycled and which targets they have to reuse (not recycle) empty glass containers!
I am wondering why we changed the correct behaviour we had when I was kid!!
Glass is a good alternative, have it in mind when you go to the supermarket!!
Well, I'm sure, plastic bottles could be recycled without so much energy, if the governements took appropriate actions, like in Germany for example. There you get "Pfand", a small amount of money, (maybe 20 cent of euro) for each plastic bottle that you bring in. This way they incentive the people to recycle and a grat amount of money is saved, since they dont have to spend time and energy separating trash.