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Monday, October 31, 2011

7 billion people!

Today has born the 7 billion inhabitant of our planet. We welcome her to our beautiful home. There is space enough for all of us. We just have to change our habits, and everyone can live in harmony. If you want to have a baby, remember that you have to be more sensitive about sustainability and environment. If you already had children, teach them how to protect our home and how to respect others. And if you are already a grandparent, never is late to change to be better.

Friday, October 28, 2011

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
John Muir

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vinegar as a cleaner!

All of us have heard that vinegar has many properties for health and as home made remedy. But not many people think vinegar can be used as a disinfectant and cleaner for our daily use.

"White vinegar is often used as a household cleaning agent. Because it is acidic, it can dissolve mineral deposits from glass, coffee makers, and other smooth surfaces. For most uses, dilution with water is recommended for safety and to avoid damaging the surfaces being cleaned.
Vinegar is an excellent solvent for cleaning epoxy resin and hardener, even after the epoxy has begun to harden. Malt vinegar sprinkled onto crumpled newspaper is a traditional, and still-popular, method of cleaning grease-smeared windows and mirrors in the UK. Vinegar can be used for polishing brass or bronze. Vinegar is widely known as an effective cleaner of stainless steel and glass.
Vinegar, historically, has been reputed to have strong antibacterial properties. One test by Good Housekeeping's microbiologist found that 5% vinegar is 90% effective against mold and 99.9% effective against bacteria, while another study linked with Clorox and Lysol showed vinegar to be too weak or inconsistent for it to be used effectively as a disinfectant.
Vinegar has been marketed as an environmentally-friendly solution for many household cleaning problems. For example, vinegar has been cited recently as an eco-friendly urine cleaner for pets and as a weed killer."
No doubts about vinegar is an ecofriendly product that we must use in our home cleaning process, in agriculture and as a medicine. If you want to check more information, click here and here

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


"Biomimicry or biomimetics is the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take inspiration from in order to solve human problems. The term biomimicry and biomimetics come from the Greek words bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate. Other terms often used are bionicsbio-inspiration, and biognosis." Wikipedia

As you can see finally some people is looking what is in front of us to get answers. 

As I always do, I recommend you to check official website here to get more information about it.
World is moving to a new era of technology and development. Let move it faster with your support!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Plastic recycling video

Dear readers,

I have found a video that might inspire us to go in the correct direction for plastic recycling. Mike Biddle is talking about several things that not so many people talks about when we talk about plastics.
Maybe because petrol companies have hidden interests on that industry that moves billions of usd.
What would you think if I tell you that we can get same plastic from used plastic than the same we get from oil and other chemicals?

The answer in following link: We can recycle plastic

Monday, October 24, 2011

Quote of the day

The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.  
Author Unknown

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life is a chain of changes

Dear reader

Today I woke up happy. Despite the gray sky littered with pollution that defines Shanghai, nothing can knock me off my cloud. You might ask why this is so and the answer is simple. It’s because of a change. Change, that thing that so many humans look at with scorn and don’t dare do themselves.

“The last 33 years I’ve looked at myself in the mirror every morning and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I do what I’m going to do today?’ And if the answer is no for too many straight days, I know I need to change something.”

 No one needs to tell us that this man was right, we all know it. And if we all know it, why don’t we follow through on it? Sometimes society makes us focus too much on the negative consequences of change which often outweigh the positive. For centuries, change took an eternity and those at the top used it as a method to control the masses. Fear drives the status quo.

In the 21st Century, things are different, the human race has stagnated and needs CHANGE. Today we know what is right and which is the path to follow. The Greeks knew it but we didn’t listen to them. The leopard can’t change its spots and here we are again. Better prepared, with more tools, linked like never before thanks to social media and technology.
Now we’re at a turning point in our history, perhaps the most important one yet. Much more important than the industrial revolution which was the antecedent for the inevitable change which faces us now. It’s black or white, the advancement of humanity or a giant step backward. I therefore invite everyone to support this change for a better world, a world where the rich help the poor, where the poor enrich the rich, where people are not judged by skin color, where everyone eats, where everyone feels like they belong, where there are no more wars, where the common good takes precedence over individual gain, where your freedom ends where another person’s begins, and where love abounds and reaches all corners of the earth

As you can see, there are no negative consequences that can outweigh those described here. How do you feel about change now?
If you’re still against it, try moving to Mars. If you’re in favor of it, don’t wait for tomorrow, start the change TODAY! 

P.S. For those who think I’m writing this under the influence, you can change your thought and reread this post. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Aqus System. Reuse your water to flushing it!

Yesterday some friends and me were talking about new ideas for a project I have in mind and one of them had a good idea about reusing grey water for the WC.

I have search online about this idea and I have found that there is a company that invented a machine to reuse grey waters in the WC.

If you are interested on that, here you have the link to read more about it. It is something that definitely will help to have a responsible use of water.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Did you know that...

Global warming is affecting directly to the size of animals and plants?
The university of Singapore has proved that different species are decreasing their size because of the global warming. Shoots and fruits are between 3 and 17% smaller per warming Celsius degree. Marine invertebrates between 0.5 and 4%, fishes between 6 and 22% and polar bears 11%.
Scientist think that it can be affect directly to the food chain.

From my point of view, another signal to realize that global warming is not a theory, but a FACT.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quote of the day

A good reflection for an important day:

“You must be the change you want to see in the world. As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.” 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Think what you buy!

I was going to work this morning when I saw a woman who was around 55 years old having a juice. This juice was packed in a kind of plastic bag as the one in the left side.

At these moment, ideas come to my mind and I thought that it had to be the post of the day.
If we think about it, that woman who was drinking her juice, never thought about the material of the package, process and consequences of chose this juice instead of a tetra pack or glass one.
Why did she chose it then? We may think because of the flavor! but certainly probably because of the design, brand, or even the picture that the pack has printed in.
Whatever the reason is, the fact is that she never thought about if buying this is going to be harmful for the environment or not.
This post is to propose people thinking before buying:

1. Am I sure that I need this?
2. Am I sure that I am choosing what cover my needs?
3. Am I sure that choosing this one I will not do something harmful?

Everyone has the right to drink a juice, but it does not mean that we have the right to do it at any price. Find the way to reduce the damages. Be responsible, be happy.

Small actions, turn into world effect! remember previous post!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Plant for the planet

"Stop talking. Start planting" this is the slogan that Felix Finkbeiner chose for his organization which promotes planting for our planet.
What is really shocking is that the spirit of this organization are children. Yes, our little friends are fed up about global warming and they are taking actions:

"Everyone loves to talk about the climate crisis. But talking alone isn’t going to stop the glaciers from melting. Or the rain-forests from disappearing. And each time adults just talk and don’t act, it’s up to us, the children, to take matters into our own hands. Quite literally. Plant-for-the-Planet is an organisation where kids all over the world plant trees as a sign of climate justice"

Up to now, they have planted around 4 million trees in more than 91 countries. We do not have any doubt that they are doing more for the planet than anyone else. All my support to you Felix. You are making real a dream of many people.

If you want to support the movement. Please visit their web and follow the instructions.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Dear friends,

I just came back from my holiday in Bali. It is difficult to explain sensations that I had there. It is a beautiful place, where you can find a lot of nature and a lot of activities to do. But at the same time, you can find a lot of pollution in Denpasar, Kuta, and also in it beaches.

First 4 days I spent my days in Villa Serenity in Canggu. An Ecofriendly resort where are really worried about environment and sustainability. Next step was Batur to climb to the top of the volcano. Lovina was coming later for diving and relax. Finally several days in Kuta.

I will post more information about the trip and sensations. Just let me clear my mind about the trip and about feelings over there.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Quote of the day

"Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful.  Everything is simply happy.  Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance.  Look at the flowers - for no reason.  It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are"  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Greetings from Indonesia!! Enjoying this amazing island full of nature. Here a vide to share:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Quote of the day

A good quote to post from an amazing place on earth, Indonesia

"The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man"  
Author Unknown

Happy week for everybody!